Friday, February 12, 2010

Thyme is the spice in life. ;)

So, it's late and I'm tired so I shall make this short. But I haven't posted in a while, so I decided... why not. So, tomorrow I get to see my bestie, Patricia!!!!!!!!! yay! I haven't see her since... well... Saturday. But it feels like FOREVER! So it's going to be fun to see her. and yesterday I got to use my mom's webcam and saw Katie and Olivia!! That's was a lot of fun. I can't wait to actually meet them. Oh, and something I found out today, I can type without looking! I never new that before! it's kinda fun. I totally don't use the right fingering though. :P Let's see... what else... Oh! I had the most awesome moment today! Ok, so I am making a small car for a derby type of thing. Like the little pine cars boy scouts make. And I'm shaping mine like a guitar (I'll put a pic on here when it's done. ;) ) And I went to my uncle's house because he had the tools to cut it out with. And my Aunt Lissas says, "Misty, shouldn't you be out in the garage helping since it's your car?" and Catherine and Jenny are like this. :O :O :O :O "VVHAT?! A car?! what?!" Aunt Lissas and I burst out laughing because they are sitting there just going, " :O :O :O VVHAT?!?!?!?!?!" and I said, "I.. I guess I didn't tell you about that huh?" Jenny, "NO! what are you talking about?!" they are both yelling at me and I say, "Come on, I'll show you" so we go outside and they see it's just a toy. XD XD It was soooo great! I was laughing sooo hard! hahahahaha! Catherine said, "I'm going to kill you! And it's going to be like on Criminal Minds... and you don't want to see that!" So... if I can hide at any of y'all's houses... it would be much appreciated. XD Let's see... what else? Oh! I found out my new addiction. PSYCH!! I love that show! It's so funny!

Anyway, it's getting kinda late. So I shall tell y'all bye! (except for Jenny because I'm shunning her. :P)

Catch ya later!

(So much for this being short. hehe)


  1. Misty Eve I'm going to add an anonymous comment so that you have to guess who I am, even though its pretty obvious. hehe =] BUT..i would love to see myself more in this blog..THAT would be entertaining! jk, jk :)

  2. ohhhhh I would like a WHOLE blog based on me Misty eve! :P (can you guess who iam)


  4. I'm guessing it's Katie. haha that or Jenny.

    Thanks Olivia! If it doesn't shovv your comment it's because I didn't vvant my last name up there. But it's ok. I forgive you. :P

    btvv, Olivia said, "I LOVE MISTY EVE!! :) :P"

  5. i was the 1st anonymous. [[me katie]] the ORIGINAL!! the second anonymous copied my guessing its olivia though and if it is i dont mind one bit =] otherwise someone's in trouble! jk

  6. VVell, at least that mystery is solved. xD
